Formby High School places particular importance on the attendance of students. They are expected to attend every day and aspire to 100% attendance. It is our belief that for students to make exceptional progress, both academically and personally, they must be in school. This allows them to be taught their curriculums well, provides opportunities for personal development beyond the classroom and supports a sense of belonging within our community.

The Team

We have a dedicated attendance team at school comprising of an Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for attendance, an Attendance Officer, and an Attendance Administrator. The team seeks to identify, investigate and resolve issues related to attendance quickly and efficiently. The team works closely with our wider pastoral support and SEND teams to ensure students and parents are supported in the most appropriate way for them.

Rewarding Attendance

Excellent attendance is rewarded at Formby High School. Each term, students who have achieved 100% attendance are entered into a prize draw within their year group to win a voucher and all those who have 100% attendance throughout the school year are entered into a draw for prizes. Students also receive rewards points for positive achievement in attendance each term. We seek to recognise not only full attendance but improved and sustained attendance as well.

Requests for Leave of Absence

Legislation prevents the Headteacher from authorising any holidays taken during term time unless in exceptional circumstances. The school will request Sefton Council to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to the parents of any students taken out of school for five days or more of unauthorised holiday.

‘Exceptional circumstances’ might include, for example, attending a funeral of a close relative, or representing the school in extra-curricular and enrichment activities. Taking students out of school for family holidays is not acceptable and will not be authorised. Parents who choose to take their children out of school without permission must be aware that the absence will be coded as unauthorised.

If parents are requesting leave of absence for non-school-based activities (such as performances, sporting events, etc) a Leave of Absence Request form should be completed in advance of any planned absence. In such cases, the Headteacher may authorise up to five days per academic year for such purposes.

Requests for leave of absence should be made to the Headteacher by completing a ‘Leave of Absence Request Form’ (available to collect from the Main Office in school) and submitting it, along with an explanatory letter, at least 10 school days in advance of the date of intended absence. Forms should be provided to your child’s Climate for Learning Leader.

Notifying School of Absence / First Day Response

If a child is absent, parents / carers must contact school as soon as possible on the first day of absence (preferably before the start of the school day at 8.55am). If the absence is longer than originally reported it is expected that parents will maintain contact to keep school updated on their child’s illness and expected date of return . If a student is absent from school, we will telephone and may visit parents / carers on the first day of absence if they have not already contacted school.

Attendance Matters



Contact Us


t:   01704 873100 / 877383

e:   [email protected]



Freshfield Road
L37 3HW

Headteacher: Mr A Wood

twitter: @FormbyHigh


Key Documents



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